What is your primary X-Plane version?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Blender modeling V: Wings

I wanted to model wings as they are in real. It means that wings can be detached from the fuselage. Thus it required a bit of work also on the fuselage to achieve a nice and smooth transition to the point of connection. Also here I tried to model the rounding as close as possible to reality. I did notice that it is not equal around the whole airfoil shape.

Ailerons are modeled so that one can notice them even in neutral position. A little gaps did the job very well.

Aileron link is modeled as a separated mesh. There is not much rounding visible (on real thing) where it connects to wing/aileron surface. There are some details where more sufficient will be to use normal map or just texture.

Aileron link

I'm thinking about having an option between 18 m and 20 m wingspan. But first I wnat to have done the 20 m one then I'll be playing more with options (e.g a variant w/o engine and 18 m wingspan).

Last thing to model on wings was an opening for airbrakes. The airbrakes will be modeled separately. And here is the whole model for now. Starting to look like a glider :)

Next I will continue with airbrakes modeling. Then adding the main gear assembly and modeling tail wheel (steerable).
