What is your primary X-Plane version?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Animation: Exterior animations

All exterior animations were successfully implemented into the model. I was curious how all the things done will look in the x-plane. I did apply basic white painting (let the color dry :) ) and hurray to the runway.



  1. Wow it looks really beautiful, its nice to know that someone is working on some high quality glider for X-Plane and that it is the DG1001 makes me more happy. At the glider club where I fly we have a DG1000S and its just so beautiful and comfortable, can't wait for your model. Keep up the good work :)

  2. Thank you! Can't wait till it's done as well ;)

  3. Will this be payware or freeware by the way ? And do you think theres a way to improve X-Planes winch launch system because it mostly behaves really strange and unrealistic for me ?

  4. It will be a payware. But it should be at very low price point comparing to other payware planes for xplane. Currently I'm fucused just to the plane itself so i have no idea about the winch. I have some other ideas on how to improve gliding in xplane, but that's matter of future. Firt have to finish the DG. hopefully before the summer ;)

  5. Sounds good, the winch thing is not so critical. I hope you will also do a nice cockpit and so on but for now have fun and keep up the good work.

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